In the Autumn of 2017, Mary McGuiggan (Zero Waste North West), Eamon McCann (Into the West) and Dean Blackwood (Faughan Anglers) decided to organize the First Gathering for Environmentalists. It was held in St. Columb’s Park House, Derry and co-hosted by Nuala Crilly, (Compassionate Campaigning Officer) and Friends of the Earth NI. It was a huge success, attracting activists from all over the North Ireland, Donegal and beyond. It was an occasion for people to experience powerful campaign presentations, share stories, seek expertise and collectively decide how to work together to create change.
Since 2017, the Environmental Gathering has developed into a major force for collective action, representing over 50 groups and campaigns from across the island of Ireland. Sub-groups are currently working on a range of issues, including:
The Environmental Gathering holds regular meetings and events, for further information on ongoing projects and activities click here.