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Public consultation on scoping report for the Environmental Assessment of the emerging Draft Policy Statement on Mineral Exploration and Mining in Ireland

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) is currently preparing a Policy Statement on Mineral Exploration and Mining in Ireland. This Policy Statement seeks to underline the importance of mineral exploration and mining and the role that they can play in:

– Ireland’s and the European Union’s transition to the circular economy and net–zero greenhouse gas emissions;

– supporting primary and secondary economic activity and associated jobs creation;

– progressing many of our national, European international policies and commitment.

DECC has procured external consultants to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the likely significant effects on the environment of the emerging draft Policy Statement on Mineral Exploration and Mining.

At the same time as consultation with the environmental authorities, submissions on the SEA Scoping Report are being sought from the wider public as part of a non-statutory consultation.

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