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Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in NI CONSULTATION

Organisation Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)
Date 30th May 2024 12:00 AM (GMT)



The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has published a consultation on ‘Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in NI’.

DAERA is actively seeking your views and would encourage participation from all interested parties. The primary method for responses is online via Citizen Space.

Consultation Description

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is pleased to present this consultation on ‘Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in NI’ and look forward to hearing your views.

The consultation has been designed collaboratively with WRAP (the Waste and Resources Action Programme) to consider several policy options based on responses to the 2020 Future Recycling Discussion Document. The proposals in the consultation are designed to maximise the benefits of recycling to the environment and to the Northern Ireland economy, improving the quality and quantity that is collected. This includes looking at options for making improvements to the ways we collect material from households and increasing recycling from businesses and producers of non-household municipal (NHM) waste.

‘Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in NI’ includes proposals to introduce a set of minimum service standards to ensure we manage our resources in the most effective and efficient manner. The proposals have been developed to ensure a holistic approach in dealing with the waste we produce across our homes, places of work, schools, and other places where household-like waste is generated.

The responses to the consultation will be used to determine the best policy options to increase recycling rates, reduce waste to landfill and our carbon emissions, while contributing to a vibrant, circular economy.

Closes 30 May 2024

Opened 7 Mar 2024

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