Mid Ulster Council are currently proposing to redevelop the Former Maghera High School Site as an industrial park.
This proposal would result in the loss of vital open space within a town where provision already falls far short of the Council’s own minimum standard.
Industrial development on this land would have a highly detrimental effect on the physical and mental wellbeing of the town’s residents and a devastating impact to our natural heritage.
We welcome investment and economic development in Maghera but believe there are other options which do not require the loss of a site of huge ecological and public amenity value.
We believe Maghera deserves better.
The Maghera Park Action Group are a diverse group of volunteers and Maghera residents. With broad support from community organisations, sports clubs, schools, churches, businesses and our fellow residents, we will be the community’s voice to oppose the Council’s plan and advocate for the reuse of the Former Maghera High School site as a public park for all.
This area has been consistently enjoyed as a park and recreation area by the local community for generations. We believe this beautiful site represents the last opportunity to develop a public park easily accessible by the most vulnerable sections of our community, with far-reaching cultural, social, economic and environmental benefits for the town as a whole.
Good quality parks enhance the quality of life in towns. Parks provide a focal point and shared space for communities, a place for relaxation or recreation, and the opportunity to experience nature within a short walk from your home.
Over 1300 have signed our petition so far. Join us in the fight to protect this land and create our park. For our quality of life, for our health and wellbeing, for our children and our children’s children.