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COP 26 – What Can We Expect?

Organisation Dublin Metropolitan Climate Action Regional Office
Date 16th September 2021 01:00 PM (GMT)

This panel discussion will involve experts in climate change science and climate negotiation at a national, European and International levels. The webinar will discuss –

What is a COP? (Conference of Parties)?
Why is it important?
What can be expected from COP26 in Glasgow in November?
What role does Ireland have?

The webinar will include live Q&A with panel members and may use live polls to gather audience opinion.

Moderator: Dr Tara Shine – Director of Change by Degrees and Environment and Development Consultant.

Panel Members:

Dr. Frank Mc Govern – Chief Climate Scientist at Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Prof. John Sweeney – Emeritus Professor of Geography at NUI Maynooth

John Finnegan – Principal Officer Climate Governance and Policy Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC)

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