Organisation | Joan Collins TD |
Date | 25th July 2023 07:00 PM (GMT) |
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After a successful first launch, Red Green Climate Action is delighted to bring its collaborative policy document for climate action in Ireland to Cork.
Speakers will include Joan Collins TD, Cllr. Lorna Bogue, Cllr. Sophie Nicoullaud, and TJ Hogan, along with guests and questions from the floor.
The document is an argues that the fight for climate action needs to come from working-class and rural communities all across Ireland.
The document is entitled,
“Ecology without class struggle is just gardening: System change not climate change”.
“The only way to stop climate breakdown is with climate justice and class politics. For a long-time, there’s been a tendency for the environment to be presented as an issue only for the educated and well-off, something of interest to those who have little else to worry them. In fact, the environment is very much a class issue…
The core reason for this breakdown is how the world’s economy is organised: capitalism is based on the pursuit of endless profit…
But we can’t have limitless economic growth on a limited planet…
What this means is that we can’t stop climate breakdown as long as we have capitalism. There is no capitalist way out of the climate crisis. Only a more humane economic system can save the planet.”
For those interested in climate action that is fair and just this is a must-attend event. The Red Green Climate Action policy was put together by a group of activists and politicians active in community, trade union and climate organising.
The document explores the inability of the mainstream Green movement to mobilise working class people through its failure to challenge the capitalist forces behind climate change and sets-outs ideas for the first steps towards collectively creating a new green economy.
It takes on the current Irish political party landscape that seeks to stop climate breakdown through a process of modest reforms and tweaking capitalism through actions and policies that are firmly rooted in the current political and economic system. This isn’t working. It won’t work.
Only a transformation of capitalism through climate justice and class struggle can achieve economic and ecological balance on this planet, as the slogan goes, “system change, not climate change”.
Speakers will include Joan Collins TD (Right to Change), Cllr. Lorna Bogue (An Rabharta Glas – Green Left), Cllr. Sophie Nicoullaud (Right to Change), TJ Hogan (Right to Change), and guests.
The policy is sponsored by Right to Change, Joan Collins TD and Councillors Cieran Perry, Dean Mulligan, Lorna Bogue, Pat Dunne & Sophie Nicoullaud.
Special thanks to Sophie Nicoullaud, Ger Doherty & John Barry for their dedicated work on the document.
Location: The Metropole Hotel MacCurtain Street T23 PX44 Cork Ireland
Admission is free.
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