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Earth Day Conference – Ireland 2030: Faster and Fairer Climate Action.

Organisation Friends of the Earth
Date 22nd April 2024 09:00 AM (GMT)

This special Earth Day conference will bring together critical voices from across politics, academia, stakeholders, campaigners, and affected communities to explore how we can collectively rise to the challenge of cutting our climate pollution fast enough to stay within the legally-binding pollution limits adopted on a cross-party basis by the Dáil and fairly enough to “leave no one behind.”

We’re facing a pivotal moment for climate action and climate ambition in Ireland. We’ll have local, European and general elections all within the next year. Join us for an engaging and interactive day focusing on Ireland 2030: Faster and Fairer Climate Action.

The conference will take place in the Royal College of Physicians in Kildare Street, Dublin from 9am to 4pm. Lunch will be provided.

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