Organisation | Fridays For Future/ Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative |
Date | 20th September 2024 01:00 PM (GMT) |
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Call to Action – Global Climate Strike
On behalf of Fridays for Future Ireland and the Fossil Fuel Treaty Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative we ask people across Ireland to join us for the next Global Climate Strike on September 20th.
This year’s strike is centred around an equitable fossil fuel phase out. This strike calls on the Irish government to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and join the bloc of countries seeking a negotiating mandate. We call on party leaders to demonstrate climate leadership by including a commitment to endorse the treaty in their election manifestos. This strike furthers CSO calls on the Irish government to halt any new fossil fuel infrastructure projects and to stop Shannon LNG.
We will meet at 1PM at the garden of remembrance and we will march to Leinster House where we will hear from four speakers:
Flossie Donnelly, on weekly striking and the impact of fossil fuels on marine life.
Dearbhla Richardson, on Ireland’s position to be the first EU country to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Global North’s historical responsibility to aid in a just transition
Eddie Mitchell, on the anti-fracking campaign in Ireland and why we say no to Shannon LNG – not now, not ever!
Jessica Dunne, on climate justice, Palestinian solidarity and how oil and gas fuels conflict & genocide
As we know as climate change worsens, extreme weather events will only become more frequent, which is why we need to act fast to demand the Irish government take action. The world today needs a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to address the threat posed by fossil fuels, the root cause of the climate crisis. While oil, gas and coal are responsible for 86% of CO2 emissions in the past decade, the Paris Agreement makes no mention of fossil fuels. This Treaty is a big, bold idea aimed at complementing the Paris Agreement and calling for nation states to work together in three key areas:
A Just Transition – Creating a global mechanism to manage and finance a transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, and the economic diversification required to ensure that no worker, community or country is left behind
Non-Proliferation – Ending the expansion of coal, oil and gas production
A Fair Phase-Out – Planning a fast and fair wind down of existing fossil fuel production in line with the 1.5ºC limit set in the Paris Agreement, where wealthiest countries historically responsible for emissions transition first and fastest leaving more carbon budget for others
If you need help getting to Dublin please email
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