Organisation | The Ahare River and Biodiversity Group |
Date | 12th August 2023 09:00 AM (GMT) |
Link | | |
Workshop to explore the protection and restoration of our rivers, biodiversity and fish stock through a series of 4 talks/discussions:
Protecting and Restoring Our Rivers for our Children’s Future (Dr. Fran Igoe, LAWPro)
Farming With Nature (Donal Sheehan, Dairy Farmer the BRIDE Project)
Presentation of Ahare River Biodiversity Report & Recommendations (Faith Wilson, Ecologist)
Restoring our Fish Stock (Prof. Ken Whelan)
Light lunch and refreshments followed by fieldtrip to Clone Beach
Date: 12th August
Time: 9.30am to 1pm
Location: Castletown National School, Inch, Y25 DY05
Admission is free and tickets can be obtained online.
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