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The Gathering

Organisation The Gathering
Date 3rd July 2021 01:00 PM (GMT)

Join Zoom Meeting 1pm to 3pm

Meeting ID: 919 8637 0485
Passcode: 011741

Portaferry ‘Stop The Chop’ Campaign

Marty Edwards on experiences of trying to save trees, hedgerows and birds nesting areas from destruction by contractors employed by DCSDC

George McLaughlin: Updates on his ongoing campaign and interactions with SfI regarding the destruction of Ancient Woodlands at Prehen.

Join in. Unfortunately the stories will be familiar to too many of us in a variety of ways but will also feed into the process of setting up a new subgroup for us to share of experiences of dealing with officialdom, the obstacles and challenges thrown in our paths, the commonalities in this and how we can support each other in challenging emerging patterns in different council areas

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