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What should Higher Education do about the Planetary Crisis?

What can higher education do in response to the climate and ecological crisis? Given both these are linked to other gender, racial, social and economic injustices, what we are facing are multiple and interlinked crises – which together constitute a ‘polycrisis’.

This one-day event to be held at the University of Galway is an opportunity for those who work within higher education across the island of Ireland (researchers, cleaners, management, estates, procurement, HR etc.), and also those who have a stake or interest in the knowledge, research and other activities of higher education (local citizens, communities, activists, civil society organisations) to come together to discuss how and in what ways our higher education institutions could and should be responding to the planetary crisis.

The aims of the event are:

• To bring people working or studying or in relationship to HEIs together who share the concerns about ‘business as usual’ and proposals to transform these institutions;

• To share experiences and develop an informal and supportive network across the island of Ireland;

• To plan actions and next steps.The event will use a world café style to maximise discussion and debate, and the programme is outlined below, and it is free and all are welcome.


10.00am Welcome, rationale and overview of the day

10.30am-12.00 noon ‘Research in the age of polycrisis’

12.00-1.30 – ‘Teaching’

1.30-2.30pm – Lunch

2.30- 4.00pm ‘Activism, Outreach and Engagement’ – led by local activist groups

4.00-5pm– Action points and next steps

5pm Ends

Admission is free and a spot can be reserved online.

University of Galway University Road Galway Ireland

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