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Re-imagining Environmental Justice in Post-Pandemic Ireland

The Environmental Justice Network Ireland (EJNI) has asked individuals from a broad range of backgrounds to contribute their thoughts on environmental justice in post-pandemic Ireland in a series of short films. Our goal is to demonstrate the different ways in which people from diverse backgrounds describe their own experiences of environmental justice (or injustice) and how they engage with some of the biggest questions that decision-makers and society must contend with in the new reality post-Covid. 

We hope these contributions will help stimulate debate about environmental justice, its link to societal wellbeing and how this can be translated into policy-making priorities. The project is ongoing, so if you would like to make a video contribution please contact

All contributions represent solely the views of their author.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed and in particular to our filmmaker Simon Wood (Ravenhill Films) and to Amhairghin and Oisin Doran for their work on ‘A Meditation on the Commons’. Thanks to Anne Harper and Colum Sands for the musical contributions. Thanks also to John Burns and Phil Lock for their work on our new website. The project was generously funded by the Newcastle University Social Justice fund. 

Funded By

Research at Newcastle Law School